What Is Cryptozoology

Have you heard of the term cryptozoology? You’ve probably heard of beasts, strange animals and rare creatures. We’ve all heard stories of creatures and animals that may or may not exist. You may be surprised to know there is a world that actually studies and questions beasts and strange animals. This world that dives into studying sightings, studies and folklore about animals take their studying rather seriously. Cryptozoology is the study of understanding the existence of questionable animals. For example, have you heard of Bigfoot or Yeti? These are disputed animals that have questionable existence. Some say these animals exist. Some say they do not exist. Cryptozoology digs deeper into myths and tries to find the underlying facts of what animals do and do not exist.

The world that studies cryptids (a name given to all animals, beasts and creatures that are questionable) is the Cryptozoology field. Cryptozoology is a field that has been around for many centuries in some form or another. Native American tribes would tell stories of the Wendigo as well as other animals and creatures of this sort. Cryptozoology has evolved into a much more serious science over time. Cryptozoology can be traced back to the study of dragons in China and India. In fact, there is no one definitive starting point to when cryptids became an interest to people. Cryptozoology is now a very serious field. Cryptozoology studies and travels around the world to try to find and identify animals that have been speculated but cannot be verified.

Cryptozoologists do not believe there are just one or two kinds of creatures in the world; they believe that many different species of animals, beasts, cryptids and creatures exist. Cryptozoologists believe in finding these rare creatures, beasties and critters as well as putting them on the map. Cryptozoologists do not only hunt for these elusive animals but also study legends of these mysterious creatures.

Cryptozoology can be rather interesting. It can be mystical. It can be mysterious. It is very captivating to study this pseudoscience. Cryptozoology is a mix between a pseudoscience and subculture. It was in the 1950s when this form of science and subculture came about. There have always been myths and stories told of spotting mysterious creatures. But in the past few decades these myths, stories and ideas have been studied on a more serious level. This study does not follow the traditional scientific method. Hence, this study is considered a pseudoscience due to its lack of traditional studying methods.

This is why cryptozoology has not become a real science. This pseudoscience has been around for a very long time and this has been a very interesting and unusual study throughout the years leading up to now. In the beginning of cryptozoology, this was considered a pseudoscience. In some cases, it starts out as a myth. But in the 1970s and 80s this started to become a “real” study. Some people starting out with cryptozoology have written books about their studies of this form of science. Cryptozoology is mainly made up of two parts: 1) Belief and 2) Research. These are the two main things that make up cryptozoology as a whole.

It is not uncommon for biologists to find new species. However, those in cryptozoology tend to focus on the spotting, findings and understandings of creatures derived from folklore. Those that study this folklore tend to lack a formal academic education. Cryptozoology is not widely accepted by different academics. Many scientists do not accept or recognize this form of study. This study is criticized heavily because it’s based off of anecdotal information. This study is also critiqued due to it not having any collegiate or academic institutions that actually offer a cryptozoology program for students to study. Many known cryptozoologists are also criticized due to the fact that their sightings of certain creatures are not backed up by science. Some of these types of cryptozoologists include world famous Loren Coleman. He has written many books on the subject such as Cryptozoology A to Z. Coleman majored in anthropology, minored in zoology, and did some summer work in archaeology. He received a graduate degree in psychiatric social work from Simmons College in Boston. Coleman was admitted to the Ph.D. programs, and took doctoral coursework in social anthropology at Brandies University, and in sociology at the University of New Hampshire’s Family Research Laboratory.

Cryptozoologists are often people who believe that various types of creatures are still out there that are either unknown to humans or not fully understood by humans. Cryptozoology is based off of anecdotal evidence mainly in folklore but also in various rumors and myths that may have stemmed from sightings of cryptids over long periods of time. They like to track these unknown or unknowable creatures through their research because they find themselves very fascinated with it all.

Cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals. Animals that are believed to exist but have not been proven by partial remains, recorded videos or other evidence. This includes animals like Nessie (the Loch Ness monster), Bigfoot, El Chupacabra and Yowies (Australian hairy hominids). The definition of cryptid comes from the Greek words, "krypto" meaning hidden and "zoo" meaning life.

Many may not be familiar with cryptozoology for a variety of reasons. For one, you want to find this pseudoscience taught in schools or colleges. The media has played a major role in why many are not familiar with this pseudoscience. The media does not discuss or share much information about cryptozoology. This could largely be why people are not too familiar with this subject. The media may choose not to discuss this study too frequently because of the lack of academic support cryptozoology gets and because cryptozoology is not backed with hard truths and explanations. I believe this is one of the main reasons there is a lack of support for this pseudoscience.

The Mothman StatueIn recent years cryptozoology has changed and now it has a more scientific approach to it. It is more of the study that is used by those interested in strange creatures. Cryptozoologists are now more concerned with the animals, creatures, and other forms of life that have yet to be discovered. Cryptozoologists are always trying to find these creatures because they want to know what species exist on our planet. Through this study they are hoping to discover them one day.

Claimed sightings of strange creatures and animals will probably always exist. People will probably continue to spot what they may consider a creature. More explanations and factual information will prove or disprove what animals’ people are claiming that exist. Overall, this is a very interesting study. Cryptozoology may not get much recognition. But it does not lack interest as many people wonder about strange existences of other creatures. The world of cryptozoology will continue to study and question the existence of the folklore of strange sightings of mysterious creatures.

In conclusion , there are many stranger than fiction ideas and many of them are made up. Also this study proves the interest in strange animals. People out of their comfort zones wonder, look, imagine and research about that which they have never seen or heard about. It is such a small percentage of the population that make such suggestions but that tiny number greatly affects people’s way of thinking. It is amazing to consider these possibilities and where people will go with their heads as they continuously, for thousands of years, search for answers to these questions.

  • The reason why cryptids are so important to cryptozoology is because they give more insight into evolution and what exists after death.
  • The lack of information and support may be a major reason why people are not familiar with cryptozoology.
  • Bigfoot and Chupacabra fall under this belief system as well as other animals like giant squid, big cats, dinosaur-like animals and flying creatures such as the elusive grey aliens or the Mothman sightings.

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